Although we have endless statistics on how remote working increases productivity, it takes a lot of trial and error before finding a routine which works.
Productivity is not an innate ability (for most people). It requires consistent and patience habits to build.
To understand how you work better, try different programs and methods consistently!
As remote workers, there are important differences between how we imagine our days and how they actually ended. In this article, I’m going to share the little secrets of remote working.
An Early Start
Start a day with an exercise that you can relax your mind and body. Moving your body is a great way to start your day fresh and it also help you to solve your problems and reach new ideas. Then prepare the breakfast you deserve. The first meal of the day will also determine how your day will be going, so you should make your choices as carefully as possible about what to eat. After breakfast, first determine how you will spend your day, then come up with a plan of things you need to do during the day. Planning your to-do list one night before will save your time and maintain a useful routine.
Instead of arranging and completing mails in your inbox as soon as you open your computer, stick to the business plan you set the night before. And before giving priority to new tasks, restructure your day and be sure about not missing the first goals.
When you have new non-urgent task, set a time frame to work on without interruption or try to reduce problem solving as much as possible until you have time to deal with the problem.
If you start the day with all your good intentions and then find yourself cluttered, don’t panic. Get away from your computer, take a 10 minute break and breathe. Re-define what you want to focus on and get back to your computer.
Where am I going to work?
Setting a place in accordance with your business plan during the day will positively affect your performance. If you don’t have a workspace in your home, create a one which you work with pleasure. Before you design your workspace, you can get inspiring ideas from Pinterest.
If you don’t have a workspace at home or you just want to enjoy the sun that day; find a coffee shop with a view where you can feel good. Remember to integrate it several times a week in your work routines. If you have a stressful job you need to focus or close to the deadline prefer to stay at home.
If you have trouble finding a place to work calmly and comfortably, keep exploring!
Giving priority to the Tasks
The right productivity method can make a big difference to your business. Trouble-free workflow can make you feel calm, in control and ready take on even the biggest projects, rather than feeling overwhelmed, unfocused and unproductive.
It feels like everything is important! If you can’t convince yourself about where to start from your to-do list; try to start with the easy work that has lowest priority. With this method, you will concentrate on what you do while you are removing insignificant items from your list and brain. As your tasks decreases, you will create a more comfortable working space for hard works.
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